Tuesday 14 June 2011

Living the high life in Mayfair

We are in a Mayfair Pub. Meeting up for drinks with a friend. Silly husband and the friend have been drinking all afternoon (teachers on half-term, figures!) and I've just met them after a hard day's work.

Needless to say, they are worse for wear! Most of what they say makes no sense whatsoever and silly husband tries to grope me as I walk in. I buy dinner as I've not bought drinks (so femme libérée of me!). Silly husband eats half of it, then goes off to the loo rubbing his tummy ominously. Friend leaves in the meantime to attend to his beloved wife stuck with the baby at home.

Twenty minutes later, silly husband comes out of the loos following a posh-looking dude. They are talking about dry-cleaning bills and posh-looking dude is holding his suit jacket at arm's length. Oh no! The realisation of what just happened hits me. They go out of the way to exchange details. Turns out silly husband managed to barf all over posh guy's suit in the loos.

We leave the pub together, with me trying to appear as nonchalant as possible (and failing miserably). Silly husband tries to hold my hand as we walk away quietly. I resist. He strides off leaving me to make my way home alone. Turns out he was too embarrassed to walk on with me.

I'm so angry! I'm so embarrassed! He is so annoying! And so cute! I love him...!
This will give me ammunition for years!